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Magento and Joomla RCE vulnerability endangering the platforms and their servers.

Bernard Sfez - 13/05/2015 15:54

A critical Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability has been found and confirmed on the e-commerce platform (owned by eBay) Magento. The vulnerability is affecting hundreds of thousands of online merchants worldwide and if exploited, the critical vulnerability could allow a hacker to compromise completely any online store powered by Magento and gain access to credit card details and other financial as well as personal information related to the customers.

The vulnerabilities that lead to remote code execution (RCE) flaw are present in the Magento core code, and affect the default installation of both Magento Community and Magento Enterprise Editions.

Password, Passkey, Access, Login and Credentials why ?

Bernard Sfez - 13/05/2015 15:52

While there are plans to move the identification method to the next level using a Microchip implemented under our skin passwords are now a part of our (must of us) life. I wrote life and not digital life because there is no more such thing.

Realize that your family, personal, business and financial life is protected by a few strings of characters. So (big) yes good password is important no matter how poisoning it is to manage them. Manage them because it is important to change them from time to time, important to have a password for every thing, or at least a password for a group of lock, important to take the time and not try to avoid complication by bypassing simple security practice.

As always I'll try to Keep It Simple Stupid using a handy guide published by the F-Secure team that will help you to improve your every day security to protect privacy and business assets.