
Tiki Wiki Specialist

I’m the author of the Tiki Express Tutorials where I publish regularly new video to help other users and I publish articles about Tiki Support in my blog and notes

Providing an effective support I help users and customers to master the power of Tiki Wiki, the web application builder. Benefit from my experience and my management skills to allow quick deployment and let me help to organise and define realistic roadmap that lead to project success.

A Tiki Wiki site can be published very quickly simple but powerful features like Blogs or Forums. But the real power reside in using together the advanced features like Trackers, CustomSearch, Tiki Shopping Cart, etc. Those features together with tools and technologies like unified index, Rating & Calculation fields, Smarty Templates or ElasticSearch can be used to build very powerful and complex data management system.

My services covers the needs of small/medium sized enterprises or associations to create, support, update and maintain a Tiki Wiki solution. Fullstack developer, I have a long experience in users training and support as well as in troubleshooting and optimising servers and database settings for your Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware solution. On shared hosting, dedicated or cloud server, I improve settings and security, review existing installs, help with minor version update or Long Term Sevice version upgrade. My skills allow me to offer migration service to move your content from other CMS/ERP to Tiki Wiki.

I'm a member of the Development team since 2004 and I was Release Coordinator for several years. Knowing well Tiki Wiki and freelance, I provide support services and help admins to update or upgrade from any old versions to the last. I’m an Admin of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (Open Source) and I work actively to organise the community, organise the QA and the coordination of this huge project (hundreds of commits each month from hundreds of developers around the world). I’m a Tiki Wiki Specialist and my knowledge can help your organisation to setup a successful project using Tiki Wiki !

My Tiki Wiki services

Yearly packages comes with a minimum 12-month term length and are billed annually
Tiki Wiki Upgrade *

Upgrade your Tiki and benefit to the new additions of a new Tiki Wiki release.

Updating a Tiki requires a little more than just copying files. I prepare carefully the task and create backups of your files and database. I help configuring parameters to allow a smooth transition between version. It is a good time to cleanup and evaluate the health of your Tiki and files.

* Upgrade from Tiki21 to Tiki26. Contact us for other versions.

Tiki Wiki Upgrade *

Upgrade your Tiki and benefit to the new additions of a new Tiki Wiki release.

Includes: Server check, Previous version backup, New install, Packaged themes settings, Database optimisation, Index verification, Global evaluation

Start from:

Cloud Hosting and Support

Get your Tiki Wiki website hosted in the cloud for a full year, complete with support by an expert.

  • 3h project coordination
  • Cloud hosting setup
  • MariaDB installation
  • Control panel setup
  • Git repository
  • SSL certificate setup
  • Tiki Installation
  • Initial parameters
  • Website publication
  • Tiki performances
  • Security settings
  • Major upgrades
  • Monitoring
  • Daily Backups
  • 1h Support (monthly)
  • 12 month hosting
$100 /month
Migration to Tiki from another CMS/Wiki

Migrate your existing data from Wordpress, MediaWiki, etc. into Tiki Wiki

Unlike Tiki, not every software integrate tools for smooth export. Textual content is one thing, images are another and files need to be relinked to their content. Copy/Paste ? What a headache and from experience I know data will be lost. I offer to migrate your content from a Wordpress or a MediaWiki to a Tiki Wiki for a fixed price. I will also suggest adaptation for menues, plugins and modules. For other software I will study and elaborate a strategy to succesfully migrate your precious information from your previous system to your new Tiki.

Migration to Tiki from another CMS/Wiki

Migrate your existing data from Wordpress, MediaWiki, etc. into Tiki Wiki

  • Previous system studies
  • preparation of your Tiki
  • Importation of content (text, pictures and documents)
  • Injection inside the Tiki database
  • Encoding corrections
  • Menu adaptation
Start from
Migrate your Tiki on AWS hosting

Your Tiki Wiki website is installed and configured on AWS for optimized performance and security.

AWS hosting offers unparalleled flexibility and a myriad of cost-saving options without compromising on performance or security. Over several years, I have refined best practices for hosting a Tiki Wiki on AWS cloud with Linux Apache server using Virtualmin, an open-source Control Panel (details in my blog). Benefit from my proven expertise to achieve easier, more cost-effective, safer, and higher-performing solutions for your Tiki Wiki website.

After reviewing and creating backups of your existing Tiki Wiki and files, I will set up your AWS Instance and customize networking preferences. I will install the Linux OS and secure your MySQL database to meet the requirements of your Tiki Wiki version. Next, I'll proceed with installing and configuring your control panel, optimizing your setup for peak Tiki Wiki performance. I will also implement security measures such as fail2ban and tools to prevent intrusions from crawlers, bots, or malicious actors. Once the server is prepared, I'll install and complete the initial setup of your Tiki Wiki website. Finally, I'll integrate automation tools like the Tiki Scheduler to ensure fresh content delivery and daily backups of your files.

Migrate your Tiki on AWS hosting

Your Tiki Wiki website is installed and configured on AWS for optimized performance and security.

  • Review your existing Tiki
  • Backup your database and files.
  • Setup of your AWS Instance
  • Setup Apache2 on Linux OS
  • Set the networking preferences.
  • Securing your MySQL database
  • Installing MariaDB matching your Tiki.
  • Installation of your control panel.
  • Optimization for optimal performance.
  • Review security measures and ports access
  • Setup fail2ban and a selection of jail scripts
  • Installation and initial setup of your Tiki Wiki website.
  • Implementation of automation tools
Cloud Hosting and Support

Get your Tiki Wiki website hosted in the cloud for a full year, complete with support by an expert.

Let us take the burden off your shoulders by professionally installing and managing your Tiki Wiki website. With our cloud hosting solution, we'll install a fresh Tiki Wiki and a user-friendly control panel to streamline server management. Additionally, we'll ensure your site's security with SSL certificates and continually upgrade your site to the latest stable or LTS version of Tiki available.

Our comprehensive package includes 3 hours of consulting kickstart, along with 1 hour of monthly support to address any ongoing needs. We'll also implement task automation, daily backup, monitor your site's performance, and maintain its security. Let us handle the technical details so you can focus on what matters most—your content and your users. Contact us today to get started!

Cloud Hosting and Support

Get your Tiki Wiki website hosted in the cloud for a full year, complete with support by an expert.

  • 3h project coordination
  • Cloud hosting setup
  • MariaDB installation
  • Control panel setup
  • Git repository
  • SSL certificate setup
  • Tiki Installation
  • Initial parameters
  • Website publication
  • Tiki performances
  • Security settings
  • Major upgrades
  • Monitoring
  • Daily Backups
  • 1h Support (monthly)
  • 12 month hosting
$100 /month
Tiki Wiki Install

Let a professional install your Tiki so you can focus on the essential.

Depending on your hosting and request I can install a release package or a git version to ease updates. I set the proper initial setup files and parameters (memory, upload size, caches, etc). I give consulting time to evaluate the hosting options for backup, automation, monitoring and security, etc. (Does not include any hosting, registrar or third party supplier's fees)

Tiki Wiki Install

Let a professional install your Tiki so you can focus on the essential.

  • Server requirement checkup
  • Tiki Wiki install
  • Admin account setup
  • Server settings review
  • 1 hour support
Tiki Wiki Upgrade *
Upgrade your Tiki and benefit to the new additions of a new Tiki Wiki release.

Updating a Tiki requires a little more than just copying files. I prepare carefully the task and create backups of your files and database. I help configuring parameters to allow a smooth transition between version. It is a good time to cleanup and evaluate the health of your Tiki and files.

  • Upgrade from Tiki21 to Tiki26. Contact us for other versions.

  • Server check
  • Previous version backup
  • New install
  • Packaged themes settings
  • Database optimisation
  • Index verification
  • Global evaluation
Start from:
Migration to Tiki from another CMS/Wiki
Migrate your existing data from Wordpress, MediaWiki, etc. into Tiki Wiki
Unlike Tiki, not every software integrate tools for smooth export. Textual content is one thing, images are another and files need to be relinked to their content. Copy/Paste ? What a headache and from experience I know data will be lost. I offer to migrate your content from a Wordpress or a MediaWiki to a Tiki Wiki for a fixed price. I will also suggest adaptation for menues, plugins and modules. For other software I will study and elaborate a strategy to succesfully migrate your precious information from your previous system to your new Tiki.

  • Previous system studies
  • preparation of your Tiki
  • Importation of content (text, pictures and documents)
  • Injection inside the Tiki database
  • Encoding corrections
  • Menu adaptation
Start from
Migrate your Tiki on AWS hosting
Your Tiki Wiki website is installed and configured on AWS for optimized performance and security.

AWS hosting offers unparalleled flexibility and a myriad of cost-saving options without compromising on performance or security. Over several years, I have refined best practices for hosting a Tiki Wiki on AWS cloud with Linux Apache server using Virtualmin, an open-source Control Panel (details in my blog). Benefit from my proven expertise to achieve easier, more cost-effective, safer, and higher-performing solutions for your Tiki Wiki website.

After reviewing and creating backups of your existing Tiki Wiki and files, I will set up your AWS Instance and customize networking preferences. I will install the Linux OS and secure your MySQL database to meet the requirements of your Tiki Wiki version. Next, I'll proceed with installing and configuring your control panel, optimizing your setup for peak Tiki Wiki performance. I will also implement security measures such as fail2ban and tools to prevent intrusions from crawlers, bots, or malicious actors. Once the server is prepared, I'll install and complete the initial setup of your Tiki Wiki website. Finally, I'll integrate automation tools like the Tiki Scheduler to ensure fresh content delivery and daily backups of your files.

  • Review your existing Tiki
  • Backup your database and files.
  • Setup of your AWS Instance
  • Setup Apache2 on Linux OS
  • Set the networking preferences.
  • Securing your MySQL database
  • Installing MariaDB matching your Tiki.
  • Installation of your control panel.
  • Optimization for optimal performance.
  • Review security measures and ports access
  • Setup fail2ban and a selection of jail scripts
  • Installation and initial setup of your Tiki Wiki website.
  • Implementation of automation tools
Cloud Hosting and Support
Get your Tiki Wiki website hosted in the cloud for a full year, complete with support by an expert.

Let us take the burden off your shoulders by professionally installing and managing your Tiki Wiki website. With our cloud hosting solution, we'll install a fresh Tiki Wiki and a user-friendly control panel to streamline server management. Additionally, we'll ensure your site's security with SSL certificates and continually upgrade your site to the latest stable or LTS version of Tiki available.

Our comprehensive package includes 3 hours of consulting kickstart, along with 1 hour of monthly support to address any ongoing needs. We'll also implement task automation, daily backup, monitor your site's performance, and maintain its security. Let us handle the technical details so you can focus on what matters most—your content and your users. Contact us today to get started!

  • 3h project coordination
  • Cloud hosting setup
  • MariaDB installation
  • Control panel setup
  • Git repository
  • SSL certificate setup
  • Tiki Installation
  • Initial parameters
  • Website publication
  • Tiki performances
  • Security settings
  • Major upgrades
  • Monitoring
  • Daily Backups
  • 1h Support (monthly)
  • 12 month hosting
$100 /month
Tiki Wiki Install
Let a professional install your Tiki so you can focus on the essential.
Depending on your hosting and request I can install a release package or a git version to ease updates. I set the proper initial setup files and parameters (memory, upload size, caches, etc). I give consulting time to evaluate the hosting options for backup, automation, monitoring and security, etc. (Does not include any hosting, registrar or third party supplier's fees)

  • Server requirement checkup
  • Tiki Wiki install
  • Admin account setup
  • Server settings review
  • 1 hour support